Check DOIs and URLs: If the journal has been assigned a DOI, you should present it in the URL form above or as “doi:-“.don’t change "&" to "and" or vice versa). Journal titles should not be abbreviated: Certain databases will provide abbreviated journal titles however, in APA format, these should be written out fully and punctuation and capitalization should match the title used by the journal (e.g.After importing a citation, if you know you’re using APA style, you can easily navigate to the reference in the side or bottom panel or double click the reference to open a new screen and change the capitalization of the title in the Title field. EndNote will not correct this capitalization for you. Capitalization in article titles: In APA style, you should capitalize the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or dash, and proper nouns.Ī few issues can arise when importing citations into EndNote and then printing out your reference list: The impact of patient race on clinical decisions related to prescribing HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): Assumptions about sexual risk compensation and implications for access. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. When citing a journal article, use the following basic format:Īuthor, A. However, you have to be careful about how that data is entered to ensure that your final citations are correct. into a reference management system like EndNote. In most cases, you can easily export citation information from databases like PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, etc. Ever get nervous about formatting citations? Here’s an overview of a few common issues when citing journal articles in often-used styles (APA, AMA, and Chicago)